Planning Your Dream Wedding, But Don’t Know Where To Start?


A Common Mistake You Can Make Is Planning Your Dream Destination Wedding Without Having The Knowledge Of Various Locations. There Are Key Points That Should Be Factored In When Deciding On Where To Have Your Most Memorable Moment.

So you've said to yourself "I've planned so many other events in the past, this should be easy!"

But after some Googling and a bunch of phone calls and emails to countless places that never got back to you (or they did with questions you don't know how to answer) are probably now struggling trying to balance work, home, and family while also planning the wedding of your dreams by yourself.

And now, you're just not enjoying the wedding planning process because you are the only one handling all the details, decisions, mishaps, and back and forth communications.


Have you had any of these problems? You are not alone!

SO many women feel this way.

They don't realize they need help until they are already knee deep in overwhelming details, with no one to help guide them through the planning process.

  • Problem 1

    You were so excited to have your dearest family and friends come celebrate your joyous occasion with you but then you became overwhelmed and stressed with the logistics of planning the travel to your wedding destination for everyone!

  • Problem 2

    You love to travel and have been to some pretty cool destinations. But then you think to yourself, “how many other destinations have I missed out on that I would consider?” So you find yourself conducting endless goggle searches and you are beat!

  • Problem 3

    You may feel that you and your fiance are at crossroads in decision making. You say, "this is my engagement season, we are supposed to be building our relationship by sowing into it" but instead you feel as though there is a disconnect because it’s a challenge to agree on some important things!

 That is why it is
a pleasure to introduce

We know planning a wedding is no small task. There are details to keep up with, timelines to create, destinations to find, groups to manage, and deadlines to meet, all while still living the rest of your life and sowing into your future marriage. With our Custom Destination Wedding Package, you'll be able to lean on my 20 years of experience and extensive vendor relationships to design the destination wedding of your dreams.

Juggling both sides of the mountain can become stressful. By having an initial consult with me, there will be no need to google or spend countless hours on social media trying to figure out what you like or where to go. I can help guide you in the right direction. I can save you precious time you can allocate to the more "fun" things in planning your wedding.

Tamika Charles

The Custom Destination
Wedding Package


Make it memorable.